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What I Eat for Breakfast [Video]

Cancer Survivor Stories

What I Eat for Breakfast

SKIPPING breakfast?? ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Coffee is not a breakfast for cancer survivor but neither is toast or cereal 😆

Try this instead! This is my favorite breakfast for cancer recovery and remission. If you want to feel like yourself again FAST and stay CANCER FREE – this is for you.

Mix together oatmeal, 1 scoop of PE Science Select Protein Powder, 1 tbsp of PB2, and a splash of Fairlife Milk. Stir.

Top with bran flakes and berries. Sprinkle with dark chocolate. YUM!

You can make this breakfast 90 seconds. It’s super fast and you can even take it on the go.🏃‍♀️

Here’s why I pick these ingredients:

✅Oatmeal – Fibre

✅Protein Powder – 25 g of protein!

✅PB2 – Taste and more protein

✅Fairlife – For mixing and protein

✅Bran flakes – Fibre

✅Berries – Antioxidants

✅Chocolate – Do I need to give a reason? 😋

Eating to fuel your cancer recovery can be simple and delicious. That’s what I do every day!

If you are ready to take real action and feel like the amazing cancer thriver, you are – then let’s get started!

Here’s what to do next.

Download your FREE copy of “Your A-Z Guide to Staying Cancer Free.” Click the link in my bio to get your copy now.

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