FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART I
FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART I

Study Gods word and live in faith and obedience, rather than chasing emotional experience and ‘signs [Video]

Alternative and Complementary Therapies

Study Gods word and live in faith and obedience, rather than chasing emotional experience and ‘signs

I tried finding truth (unknowingly Jesus) through bliss sates in dance, emptying my mind through meditation, altered states using drugs, through worshipping nature and every practice in the new age religion you can think of.
After I was saved I was also nearly deceived by certain “contemporary Christian music” that also had me experience euphoric states that I thought was the Holy spirit. And I see this in many churches today…chasing feelings and emotional euphoria (and signs/wonders) rather than earnestly studying Gods word, living in faith and obedience to it.
It shocked me when I saw how much the new age has entered the church (before I saw this prophesied in the bible).

Yes I feel the presence of God but not in a blissful, euphoric way that many deceiving spirits want us to get addicted to (there is a good reason why we are constantly warned to be sober minded in the bible). Humans love to feel things through the emotions, however scripture says we are to live by the Spirit. We can not trust feelings, we can only live by faith in God and His word.

What you need to know about GIVETAXFREE.ORG
What you need to know about GIVETAXFREE.ORG