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ISIC launches department of robotic joint replacement [Video]

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The launch was preceded by several successful knee robotics surgeries

The Indian Spinal Injuries Centre (ISIC) has announced the launch of department of robotic joint replacement. The launch was preceded by several successful knee robotics surgeries and excellent patient outcomes with this advanced navigational technology.

Announcing the launch and new milestone, Bholi Ahluwalia, Chairperson, ISIC said, “We, at ISIC, always strive to adopt cutting-edge technologies for better clinical outcomes. With the launch of cutting-edge knee robotics, ISIC would be performing thousands of knee replacements with newly introduced robotic knee replacement procedures each year and would sincerely strive to bridge the existing gap.”

“We employ the latest US FDA-approved anatomically accurate personalized implants, ensuring a natural knee feeling. Our multidisciplinary team approach ensures comprehensive patient care, with physiotherapists assessing individual needs and follow-up appointments scheduled for continued care,” said Dr Deepak Raina, Head of Department and Chief of Hip Replacement Services, …

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