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Is a Recovery Mindset Important? [Video]

Cancer Survivor Stories

Is a Recovery Mindset Important?

Here’s what is missing from your cancer recovery ♥️

When I finished treatment, I was physically pretty beat up. Exhausted, hot flashes, aching joints. It was rough.

Nothing I was doing seemed to be working. Of course there were things I did before cancer to feel fit and healthy. But they were not working anymore. 😕

A close mentor suggested to me to start devoting time to my mindset! At first I thought- psfff no way!

I felt mental strong. I had always been really determined and I was fitting into that “brave cancer warrior” picture.

But I decided to just take a peak into what mindset work was all about. Within the first 10 minutes I knew that devoting myself to recovery mindset would completely change my cancer recovery – and it did!

That’s why every week in the Cancer Freedom Program we devote a 1 hour session to mindset work.

Whether it’s work challenges, family balance, or cancer anxiety – this community is here to support you.

Click the link in my bio to apply now 💫

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FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART II
FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART II