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Intentional Living: From Cancer Recovery to Balancing Motherhood, Business & Personal Growth with Jo [Video]

Living with Cancer

Intentional Living: From Cancer Recovery to Balancing Motherhood, Business & Personal Growth with Jo


“I tend to be more like, yes, I’m going to do that with you. Like that’s more valuable than anything I can be doing.”
Intentional Living: From Cancer Recovery to Balancing Motherhood, Business & Personal Growth with Joy Lechner Part One
Topics Discussed
Balancing life, motherhood, and business during a healing journey
The impact of personal health challenges on family dynamics and parenting
Strategies for maintaining joy and gratitude amidst adversity
The role of mental health and self-care in successful entrepreneurship
Creating intentional family interactions and managing work-life boundaries
Hey beautiful souls, Monica here! In today’s vibrant chat, Joy and I dove deep into the waters of healing, motherhood, and juggling the entrepreneurial spirit. We unpacked the layers of managing a business while nurturing a family, all through the lens of Joy’s inspiring cancer recovery journey. It’s all about the balance, folks!
Whether it’s finding that precious five minutes of fun to uplift the spirits or setting boundaries to stay present with our little ones, we covered the gamut of making every moment count. Join us as we laugh, reflect, and maybe shed a tear or two, but most importantly, as we discover how to truly live in the moment.
02:00 – Discussion on balancing life, motherhood, and business during Joy’s cancer recovery.
04:00 – The impact of Joy’s healing journey on her family life and parenting style.
06:00 – Strategies Joy used to maintain a positive environment for her children despite health challenges.
08:00 – The importance of being present and creating quality time with family.
10:00 – Challenges of managing a business as a mother and entrepreneur.
12:00 – Reflections on personal growth and changes in business management over the years.
14:00 – The role of self-awareness and honesty in personal and professional life.
16:00 – How past experiences and family influences shape current business and parenting practices.
18:00 – Joy discusses the integration of fun and health activities into family life for healing.
20:00 – The significance of mental health awareness and management in overcoming personal challenges.
22:00 – Joy’s approach to work-life balance and the intentional use of technology.
24:00 – Insights on disconnecting from work and being fully present at home.
26:00 – The benefits of setting specific times for work and family activities.
28:00 – The challenges and solutions for maintaining boundaries between work and personal life.
30:00 – Importance of modeling healthy behavior and technology use for children.
32:00 – Reflecting on how personal challenges like cancer can lead to profound life changes and improvements.
34:00 – The transformative impact of Joy’s journey on her approach to life and parenting.
Move the conversation forward on SM:
Connect with Joy:
Joy Lechner – https://www.instagram.com/joywellnessfertility/

We’re here learning and growing alongside you as we move the conversation forward together from the BS that’s crushing authentic voices and keeping many in a loop of self-destruction. We’re here to make better choices consciously and truly understand the connection to our subconscious mind. We’re seeking the questions no one is daring to ask and are here to listen to answers with an open mind & loving heart – are you willing to do the same and help move the conversation forward? Alos, anything written or said about diet and mental health are my opinions, that I have formed over the years, through trial and error, study, reading, listening and observing. What worked for me, may not work for you. I am not a doctor, therapist, nutritionist or dietician and all medical advice should be gotten from a qualified professional.
Music by: Coma-Media Bounce

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