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Grow Your Hair FAST After Cancer [Video]

Cancer Survivor Stories

Grow Your Hair FAST After Cancer

Grow your hair back – fast! Here’s how!

Growing your hair back out after cancer can be painful 😓

The mullet phase – Bah!

When I was growing my hair out, I would try to figure out what it would look like in 3 months, 6 months, a year!

Google can only help so much. You need someone to show you step by step. So here it is! 👩🏻‍🦲

But there are things you can do to grow your@hair back faster after cancer ♥️ Read below and get started now.

Nutrition 🥗

Hair grow needs specific amino acids. Without these building blocks, growth will definitely slow. The best way to do this is to hit your target protein levels.

Daily massage 💆‍♀️

Massage will help with blood flow to the hair follicle. Every day give yourself a scalp massage to help stimulate growth.

Rosemary oil 🧴

Rosemary oil has been shown to be as effective as rogaine! Apply to the scalp daily.

But don’t make this mistake ❌❌

Many thrivers think that hair growth can be fixed with a supplement. But that is not going to get you the results you want. If you don’t fix how you are fuelling your body then you can’t expect your hair to have the right fuel to grow.

Here’s what to do next.

Join my FREE masterclass “Cancer Remission [REDEFINED]”
June 25th at 3 pm CST

This is where you will discover the strategies that cancer thrivers are using to rebuild their bodies and lives after cancer.

Grab your FREE spot HERE

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