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England star Anthony Gordon asks his wife to bring self help book Cristiano Ronaldo swears by to Euro 2024 [Video]

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ANTHONY GORDON has asked his missus to bring a self-help book out to Germany with her that Cristiano Ronaldo swears by.

England winger Gordon is a big reader of non-fiction as part of his holistic approach to maximising his potential.

Anthony Gordon is a big believer in a holistic approachCredit: Alamy
Knowing Cristiano Ronaldo read Tony Robbins’ Life Force impressed GordonCredit: Getty
Here’s the new reading for Three Lions’ wideman GordonCredit: Amazon

So his ears pricked up when Three Lions training goalkeeper Tom Heaton revealed at dinner that Portugal megastar Ronaldo, 39, is a huge fan of Life Force by Tony Robbins.

Gordon, 22, then told fiancee Annie to buy it so he can add it to the other two reads he has with him at the Euros.

The Newcastleforward revealed to BBC Radio 5 Live: “Tom Heaton was talking about Ronaldo at the table the other day …

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