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Eating a Vegan Diet Can Help Lower and Reverse High Cholesterol Levels [Video]

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For the past couple of decades, twins Matt and Mike Beckwith have watched their cholesterol numbers slowly creep up.

“Our parents gave us the gift of high cholesterol,” Matt said.

They’re both relatively healthy, active guys, but that genetic predisposition to high cholesterol does sometimes give him pause.

“I am at that age where every so often we hear about somebody our age who died of a massive coronary event or a stroke, and it scares the hell out of me,” the 52-year-old said.

So, when they both enrolled in a twin study designed to pit healthy meat-and-dairy diets against healthy vegan eating plans, they were each excited to compare their numbers, and see which diet might be better for heart health.

Matt ended up going vegan during the two-month experiment and losing 20 pounds. He sorely missed some of his old diet staples, like butter, eggs, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. But by the …

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