Cancer in Children and Adolescents

Dr. Marco Zoccali Explains Groundbreaking Clinical Trial for IBD [Video]

Breakthrough treatments and clinical trials do not always mean new technology but entirely new applications of existing technology. Last year, the IBD Center at Columbia enrolled the first patient in a nationwide study using the established technique of sacral nerve stimulation (SNS) in a new way: to treat Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis, or IBD. A disease that affects over 3.5 million people in the United States.

SNS is a type of electrical stimulation therapy that uses a small device implanted in a pocket under the skin to stimulate the sacral nerve with a series of daily electrical pulses. This triggers stimulation similar to acupuncture and can eliminate the need for medications in IBD management.

After completion of the early feasibility phase, the BOOM-IBD trial is gearing up for the pivotal study.

Click here to learn more about trial enrollment.

Enrollment Contact:Call (212) 342-4102

Maeve D Bleistein: mb4971@cumc.columbia.eduClaudia Musat, MD:


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