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Does Deodorant Increase Risk? [Video]

Cancer Survivor Stories

Does Deodorant Increase Risk?

Deodorant and cancer? Is it TRUE?

The good news is that woman have been wearing deodorant for decades so we have lots of information and people to study to see if this is true.

Many people believe deodorant caused breast cancer. That is stop toxins exiting the body and the result is breast cancer. ⚠️

But this is unfounded and not true. After looking at thousands of women who used deodorant (compared to those who do not) the cancer risk is the same.

So if you want to use deodorant, you can feel safe doing it 👏🏼

But if you are ready to take real action and feel like the amazing cancer thriver, you are – then let’s get started!

Here’s what to do next.

Download your FREE copy of “Your A-Z Guide to Staying Cancer Free.” Click the link in my bio to get your copy now.

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