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Americas Top 10 Addictions People Are Searching For Help With [Video]

America’s Top 10 Addictions People Are Searching For Help With

A new study has revealed which addictions Americans are seeking help with the most.

Sabino Recovery, a leading addiction and mental health treatment facility in the US, analyzed Google Search data relating to America’s various vices, such as porn, gambling, and alcohol, to see what people are struggling with the most.

A total of 58 common addictions were run through Google Keyword Planner, using search term variations including, “[addictive activity] therapy”, “[addictive activity] recovery”, and “help with [addictive activity] addiction”.

Take a look at the list below to see America’s Top 10 Addictions People Are Searching For Help With.

The post America’s Top 10 Addictions People Are Searching For Help With appeared first on WIBC 93.1 FM.

America’s Top 10 Addictions People Are Searching For Help With was originally published

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