Cancer in Children and Adolescents

A massacre, an exodus from Darfur and years of rehab for Sudanese refugees | Features [Video]

Aboutengue, Chad – In June 2023, Sudan’s Rapid Support Forces (RSF) stormed into Yahiya Adam’s home and shot his brother and father dead.

They sprayed him with bullets and tossed his body out on the road in el-Geneina, West Darfur’s capital.

Adam, 27, was semi-conscious and bleeding from the back of his neck, shoulder and arms. He lay on the ground as the blood draining from his body mixed with the hot sand.

His eyes fixed on the doorway of his home, where he saw RSF fighters take turns raping his three sisters.

He heard them cry for help, but could not do anything to save them.

“They were all raped … and I could see it happening with my own eyes. I really saw it happen. I saw it all,” Adam said, his voice trailing off.

“There were about 20 RSF fighters in my home,” he told Al Jazeera.

Hundreds of …

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