Nutrition and Diet

5 Vitamins You Should Consider Taking Daily [Video]

If you haven’t touched a vitamin since your Flinstone era, it’s about time you incorporate some beneficial vitamins into your daily routine — with your doctor’s approval, of course. Taking vitamins is a great way to jumpstart your day with energy and essential nutrients to help keep your body functioning properly. It’s time we get in our ‘vitamin bag’ and give our bodies what they deserve. If you want to incorporate vitamins into your life, but aren’t sure where to begin, keep scrolling for a list of 5 vitamins you should consider taking daily.

Vitamin D

If your bones are always stiff, you’re more than likely lacking vitamin D. This vitamin is fat soluble and exposure to the sun tends to be the natural way to get enough. African-Americans, however, “have lower levels of vitamin D in the blood and may need higher doses of vitamin D supplements,” medical oncologist Kimmie Ng said in a study shared on

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